Recent Solo Exhibitions

  • Galerie Catherine and André Hug – Dusk to Dawn – November/ December 2023
  • Photography Saint Germain – Paris, France – November, 2023
  • Galerie Catherine and André Hug – Paris – April / May, 2022
  • Arts and Literature Lab – Madison, Wisconsin – 2017
  • Glenn Horowitz – New York City – BLUE • A Portrait of the American Worker –  2016
  • Santa Barbara Center for Art Science and Technology – Americaville –  2016
  • Wallspace Gallery – Santa Barbara – Americaville –  2016
  • Museum of Wisconsin Art – 2014
  • University of Kentucky – Robert May Endowment Series – 2013
  • Wallspace Gallery – Santa Barbara – 2012
  • Rayko Photography Center – Tavern League –  San Francisco –  2011
  • Museum of Wisconsin Art –  2011
  • Blue Sky – Portland, Oregon – 2010
  • Wallspace Gallery – Seattle – 2010
  • Wisconsin  Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters – Madison WI – 2010
  • Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art – Kansas City – Habitat – 2009
  • VP Gallery –  Milwaukee – 2009
  • Art Beatus  – Hong Kong – 2008



Recent Group Exhibitions

  • AIPAD at the Armory New York City – April 2024
  • Winter Exhibition – Galerie Hug – Paris – 2022
  • Phillips Ultimate Photography Show and Auction – London – November 2022
  • Kemper Art Museum – St. Louis, MO – American Portraiture Today from The National Portrait Gallery – 2021
  • American Portraiture Today – National Portrait Gallery – Washington, D.C. 2019 – 2020
  • Embrace – These Streets Gallery – Los Angeles, California – July, 2021
  • Michele and Donald D’Amour Museum of Fine Arts – Springfield, MA – American Portraiture Today from The National Portrait Gallery – 2020
  • Full Circle – Thirty Years of Acquisition Highlights – Madison Museum of Contemporary Art – 2020-2021
  • Museum of Wisconsin Art – Re-Opening Exhibition – 2020
  • – 2019
  • Photoworks 2019 – Curated by James Ganz – Curator of Photography the Getty Museum
  • Classic Photography Los Angeles – 2018
  • Sherry Leedy Contemporary – Kansas City – On the Theme of Blue –  2017
  • Madison Museum of Contemporary Art – Reconfigured Reality – 2016 – 2017
  • Museum of Wisconsin Art – Roadside Attraction – 2016
  • Madison Museum of Contemporary Art – Madison, WI – Focal Points: American Photography Since 1950 –  2013
  • Sherry Leedy Contemporary – Summer Invitational Exhibition – Kansas City – 2013
  • Madison Museum of Contemporary Art – Madison, WI – Triennial Exhibit –  2013
  • Wallspace Gallery – Into the Light – Santa Barbara – 2010
  • Sherry Leedy Contemporary – Summer Invitational Exhibition – Kansas City – July 2 –  2010
  • Madison Museum of Contemporary Art – Trienniel Exhibition – Madison, WI – May – July, 2010
  • Flanders Contemporary – The Populated Landscape – Flanders Contemporary – Minneapolis, MN, 2008
  • Michele Mosko Fine Art – Back to the West – Denver – October, 2007
  • Madison Museum of Contemporary Art – Trienniel Exhibition – Madison, WI – 2007
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